Friday, January 13, 2017


 Let me tell you a story. About a young girl who loved stories. She had a lovely family. Two parents and an older brother. Her name was Megan and she loved her older brother Nathan. He used to buy her books and one day he found these stories online. Tons of them all about these cool horror characters called The Fears. He would show them to her if he thought they were good for someone her age, but what the two didn't know were that the stories were real. Reading about them attracted their attention. The Fears destroyed her family. Her mother went insane and her father was killed. Her brother disappeared and she would have been killed as well if it wasn't for The Quiet. The Quiet protected her and she became the fifth member of The Children of Nothing under the name 4.

I shouldn't have left. I know I shouldn't have left, but... I needed to contact him. I left and so 3 waited for me... That's how Faceless found him... It has to be. It had to be my fault.

The other members of The Children always found me weird. I didn't talk much. I just read stories and quoted them. It's because I always preferred stories. The real world is scary. All I wanted was somewhere safe. I thought my family was safe, but they weren't, I thought The Children were safe, but they weren't... I knew staying with 3 wouldn't be safe forever. The only place that was safe was the world of stories, but stories aren't real. They can't really keep you safe. They can't really keep anyone safe. Besides... The hero always wins in a story, but the hero isn't always a good person. This is Faceless' story and I'm just one of the antagonists. Faceless is going to kill me. I can't really fight him. I couldn't fight him when he was a nest and I can't fight him as a human. Without 3 I can't even run...

But... despite everything... There is someone out there who still cares about me. I know he's still alive and now he knows I'm still alive and he will know about my death. Faceless, I want you to know one thing. After you kill me.

My brother is going to destroy you.

The End.

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