Monday, December 19, 2016


How's it going? I'm sure all you smart people can figure out what that title says, so there's no need to introduce myself. Let me tell you my sob story. Everyone else is doing it... Except 2, but that's understandable. He's catatonic most of the time and when he's not catatonic he's wandering off somewhere.

You probably won't be hearing much from 6 or 10 either and there's no telling what 4 will do.

Anyway let me tell you all about me.

I'm a hacker.


Nah, just kidding. I am a hacker though. I was a white hat at one point, but I suppose I'm something different now. Void hat? Empty Bucket hat? No clue. I'm certainly not helping people with security now. I mean I'm mostly just using my abilities to get The Children the money they need to operate, stealing from the greedy dicks 1 tells me to target. I'm... Not very good. Never been amazing. I'm not someone who would ever likely end up in the news... At least I wasn't. The Vast Emptiness makes things a lot easier. I'm not sure how it works, but I'm basically completely undetectable when I'm in there. It is completely impossible to alert security systems, I've tried to do it purposely, just to test. It's like the systems just refuse to acknowledge my presence. I still can't consider myself very good though... I mean with magical assistance it's not really much skill. You just have to know the basics.

It's like performing archery, but your arrow is magically attracted to the bullseye. If all you have to do is know how to shoot the arrow out and face the right direction, that's not really you being skillful.

I'm getting off track. So, why did I join The Children?

Well... Mostly because I spent five years in jail for outing a child molester. It was meant to be longer.

life sentence off the books, no court case, no nothing.

I was just doing my job, checking for security breaks in some banking company's security systems, when I stumbled upon something. Some bigwig at the company had probably unintentionally stored some private photos on the company server. They weren't just laying around for anyone to see, but they were accessible from the main server and I accessed them. I felt ill seeing the pictures and obviously I won't describe them to you.

I asked my boss what I should do and he told me to out him. So, I did. I made it public knowledge. The guy's life was of course ruined, but the sick bastard deserved it. Unfortunately even in shame he had some friends, powerful friends. The details are hazy and I wouldn't know half of it anyway. I found myself in a quiet room with two men, who quite pointedly informed me I was going to jail. They didn't even bother to lie. They didn't need to. I didn't have many friends or family and the people I worked with could be told anything and they'd probably believe it. Lastly I was told if I tried to inform anyone there were people in the prison who were told to "Shut me up. Permanently."

A bit later I was in prison. I spent five years in prison being a good little prisoner. Regardless I suffered fairly often. I was a scrawny little weakling and easily frightened. Who wouldn't want to pick on me?

One day I woke up and apparently I had a visitor. Not an official one. Officially I wasn't even in the prison. No, the visitor was in my cell with me. I had a cellmate, but they apparently couldn't see the visitor. The Visitor was Zero. I think I'm the only person who met Zero, before The Vast Emptiness came to their rescue. Usually she arrives afterwards to find them confused and scared. The Vast Emptiness rendered me invisible and together me and Zero walked out of the prison. I joined The children and I happily get them the money they need to see to it that this world is erased and if I get to hurt people like that child touching asshole in the process. So, be it.

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