Monday, December 19, 2016

P19A01: 1

The old ways are still ingrained in me and so I feel the need to point out that is not a proper Archive designation.

If The Archive were to properly designate me... I'd probably be something like P19D02: 1

I assume The A series would be taken by The Sine Corda, B would be The Hushed Monks and C would be The Projectionists and then maybe... Maybe we'd get to be D series. Assuming there isn't some other better known Quiet Cult out there.

And despite her being zero and me being 1 the 00 designation denotes the beginning of the series and so her designation would be P19D01: zero

If you've been monitoring Faceless' posts like I have, you've probably guessed by now that I am the Ex-Archivist member of the Children of Nothing.

Since Faceless has already outed who I was before and will undoubtedly share my old identities name if he learns it, I figured I might as well follow in our Guide's footsteps and recount my own tale. It's not as bad as Zero's or 11 and 12's or... Really most of the others... In fact comparably I guess my reasons for wanting this entire world erased may seem rather petty...

It all comes down to corruption and good old greed.

See I was an analyst. It was my job to analyze the information our collectors obtained or that we bought or whatever. See... my problem is... I always sort of assumed we collected that information to be helpful. I mean obviously we sold it so that we could continue running The Archive, that's obvious. That's just how things work, but I thought we were more picky than we were.

Turns out most of the information we sold went to corrupt politicians, CEO's, Stock market people... All using them to cheat everyone else and get more money. Rich assholes using our information to ruin the lives of others, just so they could get richer and we were apparently fine with this. Well... Maybe I'm an idealist, but I'm fairly sure we could have made money just fine without dealing with unscrupulous bastards like those.

Also of course we were also providing information for payment to servant groups who would use them to kill lots of people, but that kind of balanced out since runners and fighters and anti-fear organizations used our services to do the exact same in return. That was just part of the game, but hurting innocent people just for greed was something I couldn't stand.

So, I left. The Archive were not happy. It was less than a day after I'd walked out the doors that The Martyr's found me... Sort of. They found where I was, but despite me being there standing right in front of them. They couldn't find me. They left without having seen me and Zero arrived that afternoon and told me The Quiet had chosen me. The Archivists weren't at first happy when they found out they'd be working with me, but they weren't able to kill me anymore. The Quiet protected me and we had money.

As I was well aware they'd break all kinds of rules in exchange for enough money. So, now they provide us with information in return for money that 3 provides for us and everything works swimmingly. When The Quiet... Or I suppose I should call it The Vast Emptiness That Brings Peace, arrives they and their corrupt ways will be erased along with everything else and all those who suffer will know everlasting peace. 

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