Saturday, December 17, 2016

I am Zero.

While 11 and 12 are on their mission, they will probably not be using this record much.

We are not supposed to keep our old identities, but I feel it is important to remember why we chose The Nothing over our old lives. For remembering all that is wrong with this world will keep our resolve strong and keep us remembering why this world needs to be erased.

I was born to a religious family. Unfortunately their religion was that of The Archangel. They were  what are called Timberwolves. Obviously I do not remember my birth or the early years of my life, but I know that my earliest memory was one of suffering. My parents believed that becoming one with the Archangel was the greatest gift one could receive, but that the gift needed to be earned. All would Embrace The Archangel, but those who did not earn the gift of doing so, would be tortured for all eternity instead of treated to The Archangel's Paradise. My parents had one job for me. To act as a lure. I was to go out and lure others into my parents clutches so my parents could sacrifice them to the Archangel's Embrace. Of course at first they didn't tell me this. They merely left me at a city park to make friends and then had me unknowingly lead my new friends to their ritualized deaths...

When I refused to do it my parents would beat me and threaten to sacrifice me instead. They told me if a week passed without someone to sacrifice they'd sacrifice me to The Archangel's Embrace to be tortured for eternity. So, I continued my work. Hating myself, my parents and The Archangel. I wanted it to be over, but I didn't want to die. If I died I'd go to The Archangel. There was no way out, until I found out about The Nothing. My parents called it The Quiet. They tried to use it as a bogeyman. Something to scare me towards The Archangel. They thought I would fear oblivion, but I embraced it. I spent every moment I had begging for it. I called out to The Quiet in my dreams and one day.

It answered me. It called itself The Nothing and it told me it was coming. It told me to prepare for it's arrival. It told me how to prepare for it's arrival. It sent me a hero. A fighter. I told him what was happening and brought him to my parents. He killed them and left me alive. I was free, but the world still needed to be prepared. In my dreams The Nothing told me names and I sought them out and found them. First 1 and 2 and the rest until I found 11 and 12. I have not heard any names since. Now only one word echoes in my dreams.


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